MCJIMAH ON TOP THE WORLD. The Comedy EXPLORER. Meet me in my comedy factory office, na the office be that. MCJIMAH.
Welcome to mcjimah blog, the world entertainment movie production [MWEMP]. You want the Best from the entertainment industry? here you have come, you are at the right domain the office of the entertainment unit. Mcjimah always put in the best for you, stay with us and get the best you ever wanted in the industry, mcjimah the best of the world entertainment producer.
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
THE COMEDIAN [mcjimah]
mcjimah is a comedian ARTIST whose comedy moves the unmovable mountains, here i am in the studio where i build comedy stories in hundreds, thousands, millions, Billions, uncountable. follow mcjimah and continue to crack your ribs. mcjimah comedy brakes peoples waste, legs, hand, heads, shoulders, takes away sorrows and bring in JOY. mcjimah is always willing to sertisfy you comediously and ever remain happy doing so. therefore, it is your time to smile, laugh off your ass with mcjimah comedy. just follow me and follow mcjimah's comedy, and laugh over and over again,,,,LAUGH....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
West Africa
welcome to mc jimah naija the world entertainment comedy center, mc jimah the comedian artist with special swag. Mc jimah is that ur loveable comedian who always crack ur ribs with jokes. Mc jimah have a YouTube series titled Odiegwu d Google search engine, visit our YouTube channels and watch it live @mc jimah. Thank u.