Tuesday, 23 August 2016

chinwetalu agu wactch his daughter been assassinated by his old friend assassin.

what a shameful act a Nolly wood super star CHINWETALU AGU watch some one kill his daughter just because she refuses to listen to him and accepted his old friend who is also an old man like him, why should Chinwetalu agu want his daughter to get married to an old man like him? simply he has a land deal with his old friend and he could not meet up with the agreement of the deal, now the old man wants his daughter to marry him or Chinwetalu agu rest in prison forever. Chinwetalu agu persuaded his daughter to marry his old friend just to save his life. As she refused to marry him, Chinwetalu agu watch the assassin of his old friend assassinate his only daughter. WHAT A DIRTY ACT? Mind you na story oooo just sripting, nothing serious.